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Window Decals - GEMS Sun Catchers - Holographic Rainbow Window Stickers
#10011 Gems / Jewel Designs


Pricing Details

1$16 $15.07 each
12$16 $15.07 each
48$16 $15.07 each
96$16 $15.07 each
Your GEMS Series Sun catcher will transform light into an explosion of multiple hues. Apply your Sun catcher to a window in DIRECT SUNLIGHT. Patterns of vibrant color will fill your room...splashing walls, ceilings and floors. Patterns of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet...and every shade in-between...will dance about the room, awash in a glorious shower of rainbow color. The effect will be absolutely spectacular!

1 lb

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Holographic window sticker decals
Printed with sunlight stable inks.
Easy to apply to any window or glass surface
Will not leave a residue
Can be custom imprinted with customer logos
Bob Kolar
Proforma Supercenter
Nationwide Sales Center
Main Office,
(800) 309-4046